Annual Conference Committee

Annual Conference Committee consists of the President-Elect acting as the Chair with at least five (5) members who will be willing to serve on this committee for a period of at least two years, with not more than two members rotating off the committee each year.  Insofar as possible, this committee shall have at least one member from the host city. In addition to those members, the Chair of the Professional Development and ContinuingEducationCommittee along with the Chair of the Audit Committee shall serve on the Annual Conference Committee.  The Professional Development and Continuing Education Committee shall be responsible for structuring the professional development and continuing education program of the conference.  The Audit Committee shall be responsible for handling and overseeing all financial matters pertaining to the annual conference, including but not limited to the collection of registration fees, etc.  The Chair(s) of the Annual Conference Committee shall make a complete report to the Treasurer as to income and expenses of the Annual Conference within sixty (60) days of the completion of the Conference.  The Annual Conference Committee shall submit a budget of estimated expenses and receipts to the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee for approval prior to the signing of any hotel contract.  The Annual Conference Committee shall further submit to the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee requests for approval for any expenditures over $500 prior to committing funds of the Association.


Conference Chair: Debby Sawyer, President-Elect  6th Circuit

Co-Chair:Michele Czarnecki, 2nd Circuit Representative

Conference Location: Denver, CO (September 2025)