Tuscon Arizona Conference 2022
Tuscon, Arizona Conference - Health and Wellness Series
Presentation Handouts
What's New at the AO SEPT 2022 HANDOUT.pdf FJAA Wellness Dimensions: Finding Balance by Brian Sperling 09.16.22.pdf
FJAA 2022 Creating Clarity from Chaos by Jody Tom.pdf FJAA Nourishing Lifestyle Mind Body Spirit Powerpoint by Brian Sperling 9.17.22.pdf
A few photos of the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort
Christie Piche
Awesome performance at our opening reception by the Mariachi Las Aquilitas de Davis Elementary
Chief Judge G. Murray Snow welcoming our conference Brian Sperling from GEHA
Some first time attendees from the Sixth Circuit
Henry Broitman helps us plan for retirement AO's Fawne Lindsey helping pick door prizes
More door prizes! Kathy Collins and Lena Tapscott
Yes, we did attend the conference, instead of spending all day at the pool
Mary Polard, Elizabeth Douglas & Terri Quintos
Arizona's Nicole Hatton had a lot of Microsoft 360 Tips USM Elliot Manspeaker on how important it is to think in an active shooter situation
Sixth Circuit ladies enjoying Friday night dinner at Piazza Gavi Deanna & Marsha, retirees from Maine, enjoying dinner at El Charro
The Saturday morning wellness hike, lead by Dawn Garcia, was a blast!! We had a good turnout for the 6:00 am start time.
Saturday morning annual membership meeting: Tracy Young reporting and introduction of the circuit representatives
Lance Wilson presentation on Wellness in Chambers Judge Bowman helping pick door prizes
Jennifer Phelps on Toxic Relationship with your workspace Flay & Jenny announcing New Orleans will host 2023 conference!!
Debbie Sawyer ready to party! Ninth Circuit retirees
scenes from the Saturday night banquet
6th Circuit, Golda Lawrence & Lena Tapscott Lena and Bettye Rhinehart
Cathy Grier and Judy Stokyo STAR Award winners
5th Circuit (from left) Jenny Rudolph, Marie Firmin, Wendy McCrossen, Flay Sambrone Metoyer, Hope Taormina,
Sandra L. Flores, Christine K. Abadie and Luz Probus
Seventh Circuit Attendees Our Scholarship winner
Kathy Bianchetti, Melissa Hardin, Jill Adkins, Cathy Geier Whitney Gringrich
Ninth Circuit attendees
Lena, Bettye, Yvette Garcia, Suzanne Lofton, Tracy Young & Bernita Henley
New Orleans attendees showing off their fun hats!
Sixth Circuit attendees
Iris Liriano, Michelle Howard, Melissa Hardin, Tracy Young, Jenny Rudolph, Bettye Rhinehart & Kathy Bianchetti
Sophia Rankin and The Sound -- great band, and fun to dance to!